I'm getting some stickers for my car from Urban-Chickens.com which is a forum I keep finding myself on and thoroughly enjoy.
I love our LHR Yahoo group and helping anyone new to hens but it's also nice to know I can go on there and ask anything I should know, but don't! lol
Urban Chickens forum is the only one besides our own Ex batts group that we actually recommend amongst the links on our website.
Many forums we simply refuse to endorse. One particular one whose founder thinks Jamie Oliver is a God and Tesco is a swear word! and that if anyone wants to discuss eating meat they are banned from the group after having messages removed. I was in THAT nameless forum, admittedly for ex batts (so possibly not inappropriate but off topic) and received a daily digest of emails as you do on Yahoo groups. Well none of the messages flowed as so many had been removed because they didn't match the forum founders views (I say that rather than forum owner as on Yahoo groups, Yahoo are the owners.) I got a bit disgruntled and complained and was banned myself. It's ridiculous. The man hadn't tried to flame anyone but was asking an opinion of something and the majority of regular posters jumped on him ripping him to pieces, poor chap.. One of my messages was once removed as I questioned Jamie Oliver's motives. He's not exactly doing it out of kindness is he? Same as the school dinners fiasco. He used that to prop up his profile like other people go into the jungle on "I'm a celeb, get me out of here" to revive their popularity and screen time.
Everyone has their own opinion yet some people are too far up their own backsides. If someone started talking about something non ex commercial hen related on LHR group, I'd probably point out Urban-Chickens to them. I wouldn't remove messages. I have a statement on the forum saying the views are those of the members and are not necessarily the views of the moderators.
Many people on THAT other Yahoo group are meat eaters yet are shocked at the thought of people rearing and culling their own birds for the table. Why? It's kinder than buying them from a supermarket.
I'm a vegetarian (I don't eat eggs either but only cos I hate the smell of them -not quite vegan though) but I don't mind what others do, am I a minority?
I always think that if an animal has had a nice life and is culled humanely then that is fine. I don't agree with commercial farming and wish that if everyone who wanted to eat meat had to learn how to rear, kill and cook it then there would be more veggies and less animal suffering in the world. Apparently when my Grandma was still alive (she died before I was born) she wouldn't think twice about skinning a rabbit.
As a girl, my Grandad would visit at Christmas and bring Christmas dinner with him....complete with it's fur or feathers attached. He would then go into the kitchen and either skin or pluck whatever it was and that would be presented for dinner (which I think is why both myself and sister are veggies) We would witness this and I particularly staged many a Christmas protest and 1 year bought some small pizzas and grilled them and sat eating those instead.
My Grandad was an animal lover. He loved all wild birds and animals, all breeds of poultry and water fowl. He had a lake in his garden that my sister used to row a rubber dinghy in across to the island in the middle. I spent my time being chased by a hissing, spitting goose that didn't like me. He kept pigeons too and was also a Game dealer. He loved animals but loved eating them too. That was HIS choice.
I enjoy being a vegetarian and the volume of tasty meals available nowadays compared to when I first became vegetarian 13 years ago has improved so much. I "think" my sister was at least a year before me. In those days it was just Linda McCartney stuff which is gross (in my opinion) but I couldn't eat an animal because I cannot separate that thought of the animal alive, to the meat after processing.
I'd love to say I'm vegan but cannot as Quorn still has eggs in as a stiffener. I did email them and they said they were looking into an alternative to eggs and when they found something suitable, they would go vegan. I do still have a little chocolate too! If Quorn give up the eggs though I will become vegan and eat choc only made with soya milk etc...
Anyway, there's a bit about me and my beliefs. Each to their own, everyone is individual, be kind to animals whether they are pets or for eating and be respectful of people like me's views.
The ex battery hens that we rehome are only for pet homes. They would never fatten up to be viable table birds, Also, we rescued them to enjoy a pleasurable retirement not to be culled unless for medical reasons on the advice of a vet. I am just accepting that some people east meat and feel they should raise and cull their own if they must.

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