I felt lousy so wasn't up to much but took 2 cabbages out for the chooks and they stripped the 1st 1 bare in minutes, the bantams and girls in that enclosure has half a cabbage.
Last night I maybe tried to get them into bed too early as Hubby normally does it but I didn't want to leave it later in case my tablets kicked in...well u could've done the Benny Hill music to me chasing big Pekin chicks around, I must've looked a total idiot.
I then came in and flopped asleep until the early hours when I woke for more tablets. I tehn put the chooks out at a reasonable hour. Didn't want to upset the neighbours with the boys doodling too early.
I took cabbage, sweetcorn and garden pea mix for them and collected a measly 8 eggs.
I let my man put them all away tonight but he left it that little bit later and even the Pekins had taken themselves in. I don't reckon Fenella will hatch any eggs, she's just messing about being huffy. She had left them all cold this morning. She was spread out but the eggs were away slightly from her and all cold. I'd LOVE her to hatch a duck egg off though. That would be lovely.

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