Amy has such a kind heart, so sweet natured and trusting. She came from that wretched farm with her comb swollen to twice the size it is now and was really heavy weighing on her eye, whichever side we flopped it (which we had to do to preserve both eyes)
We initially thought it was infected with pus as it was SO hot and felt ready to pop but after many bathing sessions with warm water and a flannel, nothing came out. The antibiotics seemed to reduce it slightly and she improved although was always of slight stature, but from when we put her in the garden pen a couple of weeks ago with Lexi and Tiny, upon fetching her in, she was icy cold and at deaths door. We never expected her to last the night so she has stayed in the warmth since....we have air conditioning so it was exchanging the heat for cooler air rather than a fan just recirculating the same air and it's kept the lounge at a constant temperature for her (our electricity usage has gone sky high).
Since that day, Amy has done all her wandering in the lounge....I normally flick a mealworm here and there for her, Lexi and Tiny but as they scampered after it I noticed she was hobbling on a stumpy foot with clenched toes. When we investigated the middle toe hung loosely and after fixing it, we noticed the outer toe to be the same although not seeming as bad as it's shorter. I don't know how she has done it, unless she somehow did it that day in the garden.
I hope she makes a full recovery without deformity but I feel every moment with Amy is borrowed time. She keeps pulling through and is a fighter. I know a vet would want her PTS due to there being no fat on her and her breastbone sticking out like a blade but once she's walking, she is fine and happy, eating and drinking and falls asleep in our arms. How could I have her put to sleep?
I'm going to make her special scrambled egg tomorrow with cod liver oil in, poultry spice, garlic and tinned sweetcorn........I'm certain Lexi and Tiny will help her too. Lexi needs the poultry spice to put some feathers on her back....for some reason they are very slow growing. Tiny has a fully coverage and Lexi is still a baldy back.

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