Monday, 8 March 2010

The hens are getting over their shock

The girls are getting over their shock and have enjoyed some tinned sweetcorn and garden peas as a treat......the ducks protested vocally as they only got a little as I was going in with the hens and they mobbed me when I came out and they were really grumbling and miffed that it had all gone!
I adore the character and personality of the hens and ducks, so so funny and they definitely control us to get what they want. I am strict with my children but daft as a brush with my feathered friends.

I will keep updating but I think they are over the worst of it. They had poultry spice on their food this morning again. They've had a quiet day. My other half had to get my 2 pet Cochins out of their house as they wouldn't come out and were in there yesterday too, so they are the only ones I'm still a bit worried about but pure bred "posh" chickens seem more sensitive to change and upset, the battery hens seem extremely resilient.


Lincs Little Hens



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