Wednesday, 12 May 2010
R.I.P Ria and Neils hen
Sorry to hear the terrible news that your girl passed away. We both know that she had a wonderful life whilst living with you in the palace that Neil made.
I don't know how many girls you have now so you'll have to get in touch through Facebook or phone.
Once again, Both of us are saddened. Rest in Peace little hen xxxxxx
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lincs Little Hens 

Friday, 30 April 2010
Small claims court
I have just spoken to a police officer regarding "dog man" and apparently because we were reasonable and gave him chance to pay rather than getting the police to act straight away, we effectively made it a "civil matter" so if he doesn't pay up by the 13th May which is the date we have given him, we have to take him to the small claims court but have been told we cannot lose and will be reimbursed our expenses too.
It is to annoying when we were trying to help him, so as a warning to anyone else, act instantly- if you want compensation for injury/damage caused by someone else or their animal, insist the Officer sorts it there and then and they get prosecuted.
I have printed off the court forms in anticipation of him not paying up and don't mind paying the court fees as I will be awarded them back anyway. Just so annoying that our police are crap!
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lincs Little Hens 
It is to annoying when we were trying to help him, so as a warning to anyone else, act instantly- if you want compensation for injury/damage caused by someone else or their animal, insist the Officer sorts it there and then and they get prosecuted.
I have printed off the court forms in anticipation of him not paying up and don't mind paying the court fees as I will be awarded them back anyway. Just so annoying that our police are crap!

Thankyou to Ria and Neil
Thankyou so much to Ria and Neil for your generous donation to Lincs Little Hens which will go towards making these hens safer from the killer dog (OR) the Eglu fund as they are brilliant for hens like Ivy (who was sadly killed by THAT dog).
I haven't seen the particular dog in a while but the RSPCA Inspector saw him in a cage with a chain on and he said it's got no life so hopefully he will try and get the neighbours to sign it over to them, but I am unsure if they would as word has it they are hare coursers and they are well known to have no feeling whatsoever, and are of course breaking the law regarding hunting with dogs!
I don't think we will ever rest easy until the neighbour has moved out!
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lincs Little Hens 
I haven't seen the particular dog in a while but the RSPCA Inspector saw him in a cage with a chain on and he said it's got no life so hopefully he will try and get the neighbours to sign it over to them, but I am unsure if they would as word has it they are hare coursers and they are well known to have no feeling whatsoever, and are of course breaking the law regarding hunting with dogs!
I don't think we will ever rest easy until the neighbour has moved out!

Thursday, 29 April 2010
Letters are posted, fingers crossed
One letter has gone to our offensive neighbour with the killer dog and the other has gone to Lincolnshire Police which is basically a duplicate, a cover note and pictures of the killer dog so now we have to sit back and wait until Thurs 13th May at Noon to see if he pays up or has another sob story about HIS hard life! I cannot wait that long. I am sure he won't pay and the police will take it further, I think o/h is gullible and seems to think that I am the horrible one so we will see. I'll keep our supporters posted.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lincs Little Hens 

It's taken some time......
.....but a letter will be hand delivered to our neighbour whose dog killed some of our hens during March. He has still no made no effort whatsoever to pay the £150 compensation we asked for, for the damage to the house and the dead show birds of my daughters. Some ex battery hens perished too but we couldn't put a price on their value and obviously they meant a lot to us but weren't worth much financially.
The amount we requested covered the show birds but not the new roof on the chicken house so I think we were very lenient.
Anyway the letter today will also be CC'd to Lincolnshire police along with photographic evidence of the dog which killed our chooks on our premises recently.
Obviously I shall also mention the recent events in their garden too with other dogs of theirs running wild killing small animals and chickens.
I WILL GET JUSTICE FOR THE BIRDS! £150 doesn't cover naff all but he would want some if my dogs had killed his animals, and rightly so. He needs to think about his irresponsibilities as a pet owner and if we have to hit him where it hurts, as in his wallet, then so be it.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lincs Little Hens 
The amount we requested covered the show birds but not the new roof on the chicken house so I think we were very lenient.
Anyway the letter today will also be CC'd to Lincolnshire police along with photographic evidence of the dog which killed our chooks on our premises recently.
Obviously I shall also mention the recent events in their garden too with other dogs of theirs running wild killing small animals and chickens.
I WILL GET JUSTICE FOR THE BIRDS! £150 doesn't cover naff all but he would want some if my dogs had killed his animals, and rightly so. He needs to think about his irresponsibilities as a pet owner and if we have to hit him where it hurts, as in his wallet, then so be it.

dead hens,
Dog Attack,
dog proof,
ex battery hens
Monday, 26 April 2010
Update after a long time......(upsetting)
Phew, it has been a mad couple of months with the neighbour from hells' dog killing some of our birds. Ting Tong has survived and is back to normal and I'd like to say Thankyou to Callum Eglen who sorted some new pets out for our daughter after the attack.
All our chooks are enclosed now, which is a shame (We thought they were safe with a 6ft fence while we were here, but nope) we still need more framework and mesh to enlarge their area.
Our neighbour never paid any compensation for the damage his dog caused and will be receiving a legal letter this week reminding him of his acceptance of responsibility and signing to that effect a policemans pocket book. I have the policemans details and we WILL take legal action, especially after said neighbours dogs went on a rampage in their own garden last week killing rabbits and chickens in full view of my children from their bedroom. How I miss listening to their cockerels at 5am and knowing one of them suffered as my children then saw it keep trying to get up until the dog saw it move and finished it off. It was horrific and I called both the Police and RSPCA. The RSPCA officer looked over our fence (and said they looked like a bloodthirsty pack) and he saw the carnage BUT to make matters worse, it was a lurcher type dog killed our fowl BUT this time it was a Jack Russell and a Staffy and when the owner returned, he killed the Staffy, not the Jack Russell who had played Tug o war using a rabbit against the Staffy. My 13 year old son witnessed the neighbour pick up the Staffy with a deep gash to its throat, how traumatic is that to a child brought up as an animal lover?
I really hope the neighbour from hell is banned from keeping animals for life!! I have quite a collection of police crime numbers now. I cannot abide cruelty to animals at all and it wasn't the dogs faults, it was the irresponsible owners.
PS We have also had the lurcher visit us twice more but it jumped over in the wrong place and ended up in our own dog enclosure. We held is hostage inside all day (quite a nice dog for a killer) but sadly my o/h gave it back in the evening which I said is a shame as it's like a revolving door. Dog goes home, dog comes back.....it is now chained up in a tiny cage and the RSPCA inspector saw it and wants it because he says it has no life.......I suppose it does when it's off hare coursing with the other lurcher AARRGGHH
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lincs Little Hens 
All our chooks are enclosed now, which is a shame (We thought they were safe with a 6ft fence while we were here, but nope) we still need more framework and mesh to enlarge their area.
Our neighbour never paid any compensation for the damage his dog caused and will be receiving a legal letter this week reminding him of his acceptance of responsibility and signing to that effect a policemans pocket book. I have the policemans details and we WILL take legal action, especially after said neighbours dogs went on a rampage in their own garden last week killing rabbits and chickens in full view of my children from their bedroom. How I miss listening to their cockerels at 5am and knowing one of them suffered as my children then saw it keep trying to get up until the dog saw it move and finished it off. It was horrific and I called both the Police and RSPCA. The RSPCA officer looked over our fence (and said they looked like a bloodthirsty pack) and he saw the carnage BUT to make matters worse, it was a lurcher type dog killed our fowl BUT this time it was a Jack Russell and a Staffy and when the owner returned, he killed the Staffy, not the Jack Russell who had played Tug o war using a rabbit against the Staffy. My 13 year old son witnessed the neighbour pick up the Staffy with a deep gash to its throat, how traumatic is that to a child brought up as an animal lover?
I really hope the neighbour from hell is banned from keeping animals for life!! I have quite a collection of police crime numbers now. I cannot abide cruelty to animals at all and it wasn't the dogs faults, it was the irresponsible owners.
PS We have also had the lurcher visit us twice more but it jumped over in the wrong place and ended up in our own dog enclosure. We held is hostage inside all day (quite a nice dog for a killer) but sadly my o/h gave it back in the evening which I said is a shame as it's like a revolving door. Dog goes home, dog comes back.....it is now chained up in a tiny cage and the RSPCA inspector saw it and wants it because he says it has no life.......I suppose it does when it's off hare coursing with the other lurcher AARRGGHH

dead hens,
Dog Attack,
Jack Russell,
Ting Tong
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Ting Tong seems to have made it!
Not wishing to tempt fate or anything but TT is up and about and has now been moved to a secure pen outside.
We have still not received so much as a penny from the disgraceful neighbour whose dog killed 8 of our beautiful recovered birds. Shame on him!
Lincs Little Hens


dead hens,
Dog Attack,
ex battery hens,
Ting Tong,
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Ting Tong is still hanging on
Sometimes she looks perkier than others, she holds her head up and looks around and then drops it again looking very unhappy.
We are giving her Battles Tonic and Complan and I hope it will kick in and give her a boost.
Will keep you posted
Lincs Little Hens

We are giving her Battles Tonic and Complan and I hope it will kick in and give her a boost.
Will keep you posted

Thankyou to Helen and Nick :-)
We just want to say a whopping thankyou to Helen and Nick Orlowskyj for donating the fab shed with attached run to protect our hens from the mauling dog.
We will add a picture once it is in situ. Thanks again, We can protect more of these little chooks that just want a happy retirement.
Lincs Little Hens

We will add a picture once it is in situ. Thanks again, We can protect more of these little chooks that just want a happy retirement.

aviary panels,
dead hens,
Dog Attack
Midnightish Tues-Weds update

Still no improvement from Ting Tong Magadangdang.
We now have some Complan and Battles Poultry tonic but can only syringe to her as she has lost all will to eat or drink. Even having her sister in the crate with her hasn't given her the nudge she needs.
Both her legs are working but she won't stand so when she messes, she sits in it so is hard work as she is a ball of feathers.
The picture above is her in better days when I 1st got her for Lyns last birthday.
It is so sad watching her with no improvement, knowing she cannot carry on like this. Lyn has prepared herself for the worst but she will be gutted if she dies too after all the ones we have lost because of that dog.
Battery Hens have such an awful first 2 years or so yet are strong and recover quickly and lay constantly whereas Ting Tong being a pure-breed Cochin, I expect has had a good life prior to coming to us. She was an adult when we got her so don't know her age but to watch her with her head hung low, not eating, drinking or even shuffling around, it is tempting to put her out of her misery BUT we have had battery hens in worse condition, especially Pickle who made a FULL and fantastic recovery from being squashed illegally in a cage of 8 hens in the farm! Lyn helped her constantly and as with so many, had to teach her to walk and even drink and eat from the containers we use. Battery hens are not used to having constant food so they go mad at first like it's their last supper, Ting Tong has NEVER had to fight for food, be squashed or go through anything until when our son caught that dog just on the verge of killing her after it had already killed 8 birds so was just killing for fun, rather like a fox would.
As she has no physical wound, and we have examined her from top to toe, whilst wet as easier (I bathed her a few days ago) she just must be so traumatised and the dog attack happened on the 5th March so is 11 days ago now and we do not know if she has eaten anything since.
Am dreading the next update. The first thing Lyn checks in the morning is if she is moving and also several times in the day.
I hope for good news and would love her to just summon the strength to eat or stand but I fear this won't be the case.

Apple Cider Vinegar,
dead hens,
Dog Attack,
dog proof,
hen pen,
Poultry Tonic,
Ting Tong,
Monday, 15 March 2010
Poor Cochin
One of the Cochins is unwell, she is the one who was grabbed by that dog just before the dog fled and she has some feathers missing on her back but it's not easy to tell as she has such thick feathers..
We were worried about her as she wasn't eating at first but we still don't think she has eaten and is very weak. She has had a bath today and a hair drying - she loved that, it really chills them out and now she is in he dog crate with her face over a bowl of garden blend, poultry spice and dried mealworms.
She hasn't touched it, nor the water. We have syringed some sugared water in but she didn't really want it.
So Sad, I can't even tell if she is Ting Tong or Desiree as she is a shadow of her former self. :-(
Update 20.15- still v poorly, not eaten or drank even goodies and we think she is ting tong.
Lincs Little Hens

Update 20.15- still v poorly, not eaten or drank even goodies and we think she is ting tong.

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