I have always been a free spirit in the hippy sense. I hate being suffocated by rules. Love being my own boss and doing things my way and have had so much on my mind lately with Freecycle and hens it's made me more ill than usual, so I have decided to unshackle myself, throw off the chains, become an anarchist and do it my way!
Hence the new website coming soon! I feel unburdened for the first time in ages and ages.
I will also help Alan and Tony however I can in moderating Freecycle but shall resign from being a group owner as the rules there (coming over from America) are getting stupid. Freecycle UK is on the verge of a revolt against the U.S and I just don't want the politics of it all. I only ever started our local group (in 2005) to try and do my bit for this country for the future of MY children. My heart just isn't in it anymore. I had plans but haven't the time.
With the hen rescue, I only ever wanted to save those poor hens from hellish battery cages having seen the state of them and wanting to give them a happy retirement but we are now in a position to be going it alone as Lincs Little Hens which is such a weight off both our minds.
We have ran Rosah Rescue for long enough now, have admin, website, budgeting skills, communication skills and common sense as well as hardworking physical helpers and LOTS of support, so we may as well branch out ourselves and do more!
We do not want to jeopardise any other rescue groups as there are so many hens that still do go to slaughter from farms that haven't been approached by other rescues so with the help of a friend, we are sourcing farmers willing to work with us.
Please look out for us as Lincs Little Hens. The website will be up and running in full next week.
I feel the best I have felt in ages, I am not afraid of hard work so long as my body copes and it usually runs on adrenaline on hen rescues. My other half and my posse are not afraid of hard work either so POWER TO THE PEOPLE!! God I am in a Fabaroony mood! No alcohol involved!

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