The boy ducks came through the gate and it was lust at first sight. They are now a happy foursome and the boys will hopefully lose interest in the hens now!

The largest chicken egg on record weighed over 12 ounces and measured 14 inches round.
Chickens are quite speedy little birds, they can run about 9 miles per hour!
The longest distance flown by any chicken is 301 and a half feet.
A typical metal battery cage
Confinement, boredom and overcrowding in these tiny cages can cause frustration, aggression and feather-pecking among chickens. The birds may also experience chronic suffering, osteoporosis, severe bone weakness, physical deformity and premature death.
Barn hens don't fare much better, contrary to popular belief
Barns do have nesting areas but are often of sharp uncomfortable metal that scratches the breasts of the hens and rubs the feathers away.
The hens often suffer respiratory problems due to the high volume of ammonia in the barns which are cleaned out sometimes every six months and sometimes not at all during the 60+ weeks that the birds are confined there.
The floors of the barns are slats which the droppings theoretically fall through into the slurry pit below. The hens live amongst carcasses of the weaker hens who couldn't take any more.
The hens spend their lives crammed in the barns and cannot escape from bullies. They lose their feathers through stress and have never seen natural daylight.
The best way to ensure where and how your own eggs were produced is to have your own hens. It is becoming acceptable once more to keep a few hens in gardens for your own egg supply.
To rescue ex battery/barn hens is the kindest thing you can do. These hens still have lots of eggs left to lay, make lovely pets and grow into stunning birds as their new feathers grow and you will feel so emotional, witnessing them behaving like proper hens without being taught how to dig for worms and dust bathe.It makes you realise how unnatural it was for them cooped up in such terrible conditions and that the farmers view that they "know nothing else" is nonsense because they must yearn for a patch of soil to dig whilst stuck in their living hell.
We received NO donations towards the trailer at all and have funded it entirely ourselves, as with most things which we do not resent in the slightest as we love the hens and that is our reward.
We are passionate animal lovers.
As we rescue and rehome small pets via RoSAH Rescue and have done for many years, the next logical step after seeing the conditions in which battery hens are kept before being needlessly slaughtered at around 60-70 weeks old was to help as much as we possibly could for them and give them the retirement they deserve after laying all those eggs for the supermarkets.
We are independent although gained our knowledge through helping another rescue BUT we felt a great need to spread our wings into mainly Lincolnshire so with the help of a good friend (who rehomed hens from us) we are sourcing farmers willing to sell us their "spent" hens rather than sending them to slaughter.
As soon as we have collection dates confirmed we book people in to collect from a collection point near Sutton Bridge in Lincolnshire (A17) and will then be branching out to the A1 for people from the North and South to easily pick up hens.
You can book your hens on or call 0845 017 9422 (please, please leave a message if no reply as we may be busy with the animals here. We WILL call you back when we have hens available)
We call people/email people in a chronological order of making contact with us and if you already have hens, then we can move onto the next person on our list. We are only a small rescue and contact everybody personally once we know a date when they will be available.
Our website is currently undergoing a deep clean but will contain info, as before relating to local interests rescue dates, our own rescued, recuperating hens, hen houses/ feed suppliers, chook shop etc... is at
Each hen from us costs a fixed donation of £2.00 and any extra donations are ALWAYS appreciated and go directly to the welfare of the hens and also aiding the rescue of more hens by purchasing more poultry crates.
Our mobile number on the rescue day will be 07500 693 207 (should you need us but please bear in mind we will be VERY busy during the day) and won't have access to email or the 0845 number.
Click HERE to see where the Sutton Bridge collection point is. Times MUST be pre arranged as this is just a private parking area off the A17 with no facilities other than safety from passing heavy traffic. The hens will just be brought to this point to meet with you so please be prompt to your agreed collection time.
We will be happy to clip claws and discuss and worries or concerns you may have and we ALWAYS carry rehoming packs in our vehicle to help you ensure your hens settle in easier.
If you require any food for your hens, please order when booking your hens. A 20kg sack of layers meal (mash) which they are used to eating is £7. You can gradually introduce new foods once your hens have settled in.
We are ALWAYS happy to give any follow up help by telephone.
There is a public Yahoo forum which we also use at
We keep our own ex batts as pets and some Cochins and our young daughter keeps Pekin Bantams as her pets.
Our own helpers/volunteers have access to a mobile which is on the Vodafone network. Someone should be able to help you. The number for that 'phone which is shared between volunteers and also Rosah Rescue is 07500 693 207. This number is the only one we use on hen rescue days.********************
If you would like to sponsor Pickle and Pingu (they come as a pair) it costs £20 per year for both of them which works out at just £1.67 per month.
If you would like the sponsorship as a birthday present, please let us know the date with 28 days notice.
The recipient will get a laminated photograph, personalised certificate, a letter on how they are doing, a keyring, and a card at christmas card too.
Please use Paypal and make payment to and put "sponsorship" in the subject line.Sponsorship costs £20 per year for Tiny which works out at just £1.67 per month.
If you would like the sponsorship as a birthday present, please let us know the date with 28 days notice.
The recipient will get a laminated photograph, personalised certificate, a letter on how they are doing, a keyring, and a card at christmas card too.
Please pay by Paypal to and put "sponsorship" in the subject line.Doris came here as an "extra" hen along with Pam who we call her twin due to their similarities (but Pam wears two green leg rings).
Doris is nicknamed Doris the Dinosaur as she just looks so prehistoric (as does Pam but Pam is more shy when it comes to photographs and is never anywhere to be found when the camera is out)In fact Pam peeped at me today and I was surprised to see Pam has many more feathers now than Doris which means she isn't so instantly recognisable.
One time we brought back hens for the people of Lincolnshire and by accidental miscount by too many helpers, we had too few hens so we always asked for a few extra after that so no one travels to us and ends up disappointed.
If we have hens left over after rehoming to everyone, we usually get in touch with a handful of local people who we keep on our reserve list of rehomers, BUT then we realised how bald Doris and Pam were, so we kept them back until they feathered up as the nights were still cold so they needed fleeces on at night.....but they still haven't grown proper plumage so they will stay forever now as we have got attached to their funny characters.
They both look so funny with their prehistoric way of walking.
Doris is more outgoing and Pam likes the security of the playhouse which is usually where I find her or when the others are freeranging, Pam ventures out to eat.
I know I can lure Pam out with the rattle of the sweetcorn tub or by banging my wooden spatula on the stainless mixing bowl which usually means hen porridge, scrambled egg, sweetcorn, pasta or some other delight mixed with garlic, poultry spice or fish oils for their health. Pam is named after a very nice lady who helps at the same rescue we used to help at.
Sponsorship costs £20 per year for both Doris and Pam which works out at just £1.67 per month.
If you would like the sponsorship as a birthday present, please let us know the date with 28 days notice.
The recipient will get a laminated photograph, personalised certificate, a letter on how they are doing, a keyring and a card at christmas card too.
Send a virtual ex battery hen to your friends via this Facebook application. All these hens are real and living happily in Lincolnshire and surrounding counties.
Please also become a fan of this application so we can spread the word about the poor conditions of the battery hens. The illnesses we discover some of these hens have upon being rescued, and the fact that these ill hens have been supplying YOUR eggs.
If it is impossible to keep a few hens of your own, buy free range or organic eggs or even better, buy from someone who keeps a few hens at home and sells eggs from their gate as you know the hens will be pets and be healthy.