Thursday, 25 June 2009

The Peek Inn

Mark recently built "The Peek Inn" and a fun day was had by all of us and especially the Pekins at bedtime who had to sleep in the same hut for the first time. It started out as a brand new garden store. We've already got one for the ex batts but that is at ground level rather than being raised like the bantams one has been. It's customised to suit them. Roosting bars, cat litter trays as nest boxes in case of chicks, correx floor for easy cleaning and it'll hopefully soon be painted on the week and look like a Southwold Beach Hut along with the Des Res too ;-)
The chicks have now moved in too. Bob-the lavender has a home lined up (in Manchester I think) A friend of Anna wants him and Anna is a friend of Jo at LHR. Hope they make a donation to LHR for him as he's adorable.
There is also a bell on the front now (for last orders, lol) I thought Newton may see the "donger" as a worm and jump up and twang it.










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