Please ensure your hens get some chooky porridge each day whilst it is still light enough for them to eat it. They really appreciate the warmth of the oats and all manner of good healthy things can be put into the mix to give them a healthy boost throughout the winter months. Even a little warm spaghetti/pasta mixed in is appreciated.
They hate the snow so probably won't venture far out of their houses. Ensure their water isn't frozen- Apple cider vinegar in the water apparently makes it less likely to freeze (or it will need a lower temperature) -Not guaranteed though as ours seems to still freeze!
Put plenty of bedding on the floors of their houses to insulate it better and use your common sense. Hens rehomed a while ago should NOT need jumpers and the use of them may cause a hen to overheat and then go into a moult which is not what you want at this time of year. Hen jumpers/ tunics can also get wet and cause a hen to have hypothermia. They should ONLY be used on newly rescued bald hens who are used to humid temperatures and being in close confines in the battery cages or barns. DO NOT use them as a fashion accessory.
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lincs Little Hens