Please take notice of the Chickens out campaign which shows the short life of meat chickens, which is just 39 days, BUT 39 horrific days as they are forced to grow to mammoth proportions in that short time leading to lameness, heart and lung problems.
Due to the farmers stocking the sheds so intensely, they live on the same litter for their entire life and the build up of ammonia stings their feet and their eyes and also their lungs as they breathe it in. It is not uncommon for 40,000 birds to be in each shed.
We believe that all intensive farming should be stopped as we believe it is cruelty to animals.
Please read the blog of the chooks each day at the Chicken Out website. It is written as though the birds are telling you their story. are devoted animal lovers.
The Farmers are trying to make a living but I'm sure many have land where the birds could be reared if people could just pay that little bit extra for a free range or organic bird.
The supermarkets need to stop selling intensively reared birds as they are selling an unhealthy matter how good it may taste!
I also try to preach to people about eggs from caged hens which are so bland compared to fresh, free range eggs. People don't realise until they have "proper eggs" and then go back and have a "supermarket egg". Would you want eggs from a poorly hen? Look at Tiny on our heading. Does she look healthy? She WAS providing caged hen eggs but now lives outside, eating a varied diet with natural supplements and is fully feathered and gorgeous.
Just because the chickens in these farms are vaccinated against certain diseases does not mean they are fit and well as many hens sit amongst carcasses of hens that could take no more.
The same with the meat birds. It is all so unnecessary and very sad.
I love chickens, especially the ex batts and the broiler (meat) birds are stunners too but they cannot be rescued as they would continue to be in so much pain due to their breeding which has made the monstrous sized birds in the first place.
Please, please read the chicken out blog xx
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Lincs Little Hens